Readers and Comments Welcome

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. The Yapping of a Canadian Mutt was created as an outlet for my personal frustration with the government system surrounding mental health issue. This is my personal way to create awareness.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mutt's Rights VS Human Rights

I recently read an article, which caused me to think. Are we an nation that doesn’t care? I think we care but are we willing to change the ownerships of problems? I hear statement like this all the time, “they want to be homeless so let them be!” What right do we have to interfere?
I have bought into this thinking, but is it really true, or is it just a very colourful and ingenious way to be passive and say.” not my worry– not my care.” When I think of a homeless person living on the street, I now ask myself this question, is that person on the street because of choice or situation? Is this person’s choice ruled by an mental illness that is left untreated? Or is this person so crippled by their drug addition that, all their rational choice are based in their next fix? What if these statement are the case, do we get involved? No, we don’t get involved because we justify ourselves by stating,” it isn’t our right to interfere with others lives.”

Is this a caring nation? We have gone to war for human right issues in the past. We can jump into another countries business but we can’t seem to jump into the business in our own streets.

Domestic violences here is another area we stand by and do nothing. Now I know of personally 3 men that are wife beaters, and children abusers. You know who they are , they live in your town, and we all talk about the tragic mishaps that occurred last weekend. But these abusive men are innocent until proven guilty. These men are placed in jail on a weekly occasion for fighting, for being drunk and disorderly, they might even go to court, but nothing rarely happens.

Now of the three men I personally know, One has never been charged, his victims are children, it is the child word against this very skilled predator. The child is so scared of this adult who seems all powerful, then the mother carries so much guilt that she can’t face the reality. So who helps. Who will stop this. This man was my father, who is in late 50′s and has he ever faced a charge? Sadly no. His victims are usually age 9-12. And he gets away with it, even to this day.

Now on to the other man, for 17 years he beat and tormented his family, everyone in the town knew this to be a fact, many witness it. But the wife had to make the charges. Now given the fact this womans situation, she believes if she was better person or better mom this would all stop. It is her fault, she makes her husband lose it and beat them. She feared her husband so greatly that she couldn’t stand against him. So sad, children to grow up in that environment, and what does this do to their life. Mentally how healthy can one be to be raised by this?

Now the last guy, mister violent,drinks and party every weekend, even though he is 33 years old. He lives on the street, jumping from house to house, wearing out his welcome and moves on. Now he goes to the holding tank almost every weekend, he is known by victims unit, charged for 4 assault in one summer. But is he in jail? Is he in some kind of treatment? To answer you no! Now he is dating my mentally ill daughter, he is preying on her weaken state of mind. This is the perfect person he can control, a little puppet.

We all say how terrible this is, we all say it shouldn’t be allowed to happen. But what is done. Do these peoples rights out way the people they victimize? What about these poor souls that are abused, where are their rights??

The plain simple fact is in Canada, my dear dog is better protected by the law then any human out there. My dog has no rights, so it can be removed from harms way. My dog doesn’t have to prove abuse in court, the signs of trauma and abuse are enough for the owner to be charged and go to jail.

Yes in Canada our pets have more value then humans under the laws.

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