Readers and Comments Welcome

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. The Yapping of a Canadian Mutt was created as an outlet for my personal frustration with the government system surrounding mental health issue. This is my personal way to create awareness.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Aura-Borris of A Canadian Mutt's Mind

Well, I had my first consilor meeting today. I can hear people in the background saying, "Now. Now. Don't be airing that laundry out in a blog."

I whisper back," It is ok, after child sexual abuse in the 70's, parents divorces in the 80's,marriage and my husband cancer in the 90's, family raising in the 20's, then in 2010's my daughter psychosis, and my son's right to change the family and marriage dynamics. Hey, I very proud. After all my life only needing consiling and not needing a rubber room or a casket."

I walk proudly into the consilor's office like a peacock showing off. Then I sat down refocused,watching the video playback in my mind. "Information for the curious minds-Behind closed consilor's door: for the ones on the brink of insanity."

You see this video is how the general public plus myself, who are unaware to The Mental Ill. Who is The Mental ill? Mentally ill people are people who from a psychical, social, relationship
,accident with trauma or by an illness, causes a person's mind to shut down in order to save the person . The mind personal way to give doctors a warning sign. So I ask ,"where is the embarrassment in that?'

As, my consiling sessions runs to a conclusions, an overwhelming realisation comes over me; consiling isn't for the faint in heart, nor is it for the hypocrite, or the ones with casting fingers, because consiling is all focused on you , how you can change and growth into a healthier stronger minded person.

"Yes it is true Dorthy, Only person who truly cares for all those around them, and their self will go to consiling appointments."

My appointment almost to a close and I'm proudly patting myself on the back. Very wise choice to come to the appoint. My very soul is basking in this self praise and adoration,when the consilor--- rrrrippes---- me into the surreal moment of now.

"Hump.... Now we have to improve upon one small item each week, so think and name a topic."

My personal thoughts scream out, Wow this consiling business is hard working stuff, now what is a topic that ticks me off. Motherhood Guilt. I hate this topic, so I blurt it out.

Driving home I am fairly pleased with myself, but then I get to thinking about this topic. Motherhood guilt; there is so many soft and vulnerable spots, then there is personal hot spots, and lastly there is the crushing reality of how you see yourself within the guilt. I smack myself are you crazy, you are going to make yourself a crying fool. So smug I am because I never cry, very rare.

Anyway,I have decided that I will share with everyone; the topics a family and mother encounter when their child suffers from a mental illness.

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