Readers and Comments Welcome

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. The Yapping of a Canadian Mutt was created as an outlet for my personal frustration with the government system surrounding mental health issue. This is my personal way to create awareness.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This Mutt Is Sick Of Taxes

This average, run of the mill domesticated mutt, is so sick of paying, and donating, then only be told we still need more money for the coffer's. What a load of bull pooh! Listen to me, when your short in cash you eat KD for dinner not STEAK. This is what our Crazy Canadian Government officials, trustee, and social programs of money--- have forgot.

I'm a Canadian born-n'-raised mutt and very proud to be. Yes, I love my social programs, and I love paying taxes to support this programs----BUT, don't abuse and misses spend the hard earned money I make.

2010 was this Mutt's breaking point! I was sickened by homeless people littering my town, petty crime defacing and trashing my beautiful town, and night streets corners filled with
disrespect for the law, peeing on town streets, drug deals in hand, underage drinkers, and smokers. Young adult openly laugh at the law.

Grant Gaddy COPS will never put me away motherfucker's.

this is a kid that has been in trouble with the law since 13......and he still has no fear??? What is wrong with our country.
That is how young adults feel, they can repeatedly do crap because over and over again,because they are allowed to. When will the mutts of Canada stand up and take our country back.
No we will not tolerate crime in our towns. Yes, we want the mentally ill off our streets in housing, and in treatment. Yes, we want all our addicts in treatment and also screened for a mental issue.

Until us Canadians stand up and demand what we want, our government will keep taking, crime will kept happening and the whole event just spiral and feed each other. What do they eat? Well this big fat crime monster is eating my tax money to the point, my parents will have to pay one day soon to see the doctor.

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