Recently I have begun to ponder this great Nation and the times we live in, and I question the role as a passive person. As a Canadian--- I'm proud of who we are today? No! I am not. I find we are a fragmented melting pot with no unity, no nationality, no identity and no purpose because we can't proper identify with who we are and what we want as a country.
Yes to be Canadian is to be mixed blood of many cultures, religions,and traditions. I believe that everyone has a right to enjoy their individualism,-- But are you Canadian or NOT? That is my question! If you say your a Canadian, then who are we?
Well, I believe that to be Canadian is to know your neighbour, to lead a helping hand if needed, and to be active in your community. Canada is the best place to live in the world, because we are peaceful, and caring Nation.
What happened to us? Since the 80's I noticed a dramatic change in our communities, in our youth, in our crime, and in the general way the world sees Canada as a nation. I for one don't like this one bit. The major causes of these changes, self greed, self rights, and place self value higher then the masses. Look at these common statements we hear everyday.
"It is your right"
"You want it just go out and take it"
"You earned it, demand it"
When I see people suing over hot coffee I want to scream. Coffee is HOT, always has been, and if it wasn't hot, we would demand a new cup. So because you didn't take the proper safety measure to insure this hot drink didn't burn you,' You have the right to sue!!!'
Now look at this people, ones own stupidity is a case to sue. SO because your too dumb to know hot coffee burns you can sue. Sad, so sad. Now before you jump to this persons defense, there is another important fact to remember, who will be paying extra for our next cup of coffee, who will be paying for the 2 employees that where laid off, or worse who will employ the 30 people that lost job when the business closed shop in your town??? Can we as a nation afford to be this selfish, it is my right- you done me wrong and will pay!!! Now what message is that giving our children!
Now politicians, and school teachers, unions and taxpayer's money. I love teachers and value their service to my children and society, but lets face facts it is a great job, with summers and weekends off, what job gives people this luxury,-Not many. To be fair, teachers do a job that is very stressful, and government cut backs make even more difficult, but you work only 7months of year, with weekends off,winter break and spring break, sick days and you earn 45,000- 60,000 a year.
My daughter's clinician( social worker/mental illness), who has masters also, her job is equally stressed by clients, and government cut backs, she doesn't only work 7 months of year, and she doesn't strike for more pay.
People just because unions allow us to get more money every year in negotiations is it proper? "Your Right you Earned it." And is it helping the overall picture? No it is feeding the overall downward circle of greed, the need to feed the greed, which is hungry even more.
Now politicians, here is where I am going to be very clear. I don't want to be politician and someone has to do this very public job. Your are rewarded very handsomely as in pay, and pension plan, then the many perks. All this should be enough!"'You want it just take it" You don't need to be greedy and make shadey deals, you don't need to be milking money from funds to pay your personal bills, and you don't need money money. If you are in politics do it for the love of the country, that has so richly provided for you. How can you be a creditable person who says they care about Canada's health care or mental health care? When you rob from Canada taxpayers to line your own pockets, Greed when will it ever end? Your robbing from your elderly aunt, your robbing from impoverish children, and your robbing from health care system that might cause a death.
How can we as proud Canadians allow this type of selfish greed, bankrupt our nation? Please write your comments.
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