Canadian Stats Quoted
- 70% of mental health problem and illness have their onset during childhood or adolescence
- 18% of the 30 % people who will have a mental illness are aged 15-25.
- over 50% of the population with mental illness are children, youth or young college adults
- age group with highest depression symptoms is UNDER 20.
Hope Dashed
- ONLY 1 of 3 will receive treatment!
- With early diagnosis a full recovery is now expected in most mental illness
- Mental illness is just as preventative as heart disease
- In most cases mental illness can be treated with medication and peer therapy
- Only 3% of the mental illness are non-curable but it is expected to have a full healthy life.
- mental illnesses constitute more than 15% of the burden of disease in Canada
- only 5.5% of health care dollars on spent on Mental health
The nations and governments passiveness to ignore mental health, is a clear message that the public is hugely misinformed and uneducated about Mental Health Facts. Who is suffering? Our children and College students. These are the Facts to how we accept our mentally ill.
Average Acceptance Stats
- Just 50% of Canadians would share that they have a family member with a mental illness, compared to 72% who would share about a family member with cancer
- Only 12% of Canadians said they would hire a lawyer who has a mental illness
- Only 49% said they would socialize with a friend who had a serious mental illness
- 46% of Canadians think people use the term mental illness as an excuse for bad behaviour
- 27% are fearful of being around people who suffer from serious mental illness.
Given the facts the 50 % of the mentally ill, are children. How can we stand in silence anymore? Government passiveness CAN’T be accepted.
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